KS2 Blog #7

Hello and welcome to the 7th Blog (and the first for the whole Key Stage).

From now on, our whole Key Stage (Y3, Y4, Y5, Y6) will all be showing us their creativity on this Blog.  I am hoping that the more experienced Y6 Bloggers will mentor the younger children so that we can all see what has been happening here at St. Mary’s.  As always, I have not edited, corrected or amended any of the children’s work.  This is mostly completed voluntarily in their break times during a busy school day and shows what a great group of characters they are…

So, welcome to the first ever Y3 Blog, brought to you by Captain Charlotte and Aye Aye Emily…


On Monday 25th November Year 3 travelled on our funky school mini bus to Poole museum to learn about Harry Paye. We had to dress up as Pirates. When we all got there we very excited. The lady who taught us about Harry was called Katherine. She was wearing stripy socks, a blue stripy top and some very strange sort of shoes.

The activities that we did were making maps, pulling up the anchor, climbing the rigging, pulling up the sail and looking at the objects from Harry’s Dad.


By Charlotte and Emma 

A few weeks ago, Paul Andrewartha (Our Catholic Youth Outreach Worker) came to visit us – his assembly was very popular due to the fact that he managed to do the “Haka” completely on his own-definitely memorable.  After the assembly, Blog reporters Molly and Kiara caught up with Paul for a few quick questions in order to get to know him better.

Over to the girls for the interview:


What is your job like?

Good and buzzy and meet new people and organization and helps teenagers

How do you feel about your job?

Good, helpful, grow strength, faith, hope and love

what was your job  before?

Chichester  Youth worker

North east part of a school mission team

how old was you when you had your first ever job?


Wanted to be a milk man at the age of 13

what was your  school called?

St Francis Xavier

Bishop Virard

what was your favourite hobby?

Stamp collecting age 10

Marbles age 7 or 8

why were these your favourite hobbies?



Thanks Paul!!!  By Molly and Kiara.

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Y6 Blog#6.

Hello and welcome to the 6th Y6 Blog.

A massive “thank you!” & “well done!”to all those who took part in the previous week’s competition.  I was truly impressed with both the standard of the work and the positive attitude that Y6 showed while being creative-excellent work.

One thing I have noticed; the display board of mythical creatures has instigated more discussion and independent response than any other previous display…

CIMG7844 - CopySo, all the people in this photo (who are doing an impression of their beast), will have the opportunity to use the ICT suite tomorrow break time.  This is their reward for now…what will be the prize for the next competition?

This week you will be writing a mythological story, your task is to draw AND LABEL with the best words you can think of (3W words) a picture of this hero.  It can be just their face, their whole body, them in a battle or your own idea.  The deadline to have your hero drawn, coloured and LABELLED WITH SENTENCES is Monday the 25th November 2013.

You could also tell me what prize we should give to the top 3 entries-use the comments section below please.

Good luck and remember to use powerful words for your description sentences,

Mr. Howard.



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Y6 Blog#5

All work done very quickly with no help-I have not corrected or edited the children’s work.



Y6 Blog-live from the science lab!!!


On The 12th of November at approximately 1:45 Mr Myers came to teach us!


Mr Myers showed us a sheep’s heart and lungs. He grossed us out by putting his fingers in the lung and heart pipes. We were amused by him dissecting the heart and showing us a heart string. Ever heard the phrase” Your pulling my heart strings!!   Were you aware that the heart gets darker when you are pulling it apart just like Mr Myers did!!  The normal lungs are brown and dark pink. Dr Myers got an old fashion pump and stuck it up the sheep lungs. It turned 3 times the original size. Interestingly if you cut off one side of the lung you would die but if you still could breathe it would still blow up but you would have to put your finger in the hole. After everyone left the blog reporters asked some questions to Mr Myers such as:


How long have you been teaching?

18 years

When did you start?


Do you enjoy doing your job?


What is the biggest thing you have dissected?

Heart and lungs

What is the grossest thing you have dissected?

Pig ears it stank

Which school do you work for?

Poole high school

Thank you to Mr Myers, we have some knowledge about the heart and lungs. Also we would like to say a big thank you to the year 6 Team for organising this visit. Do you have any more gross facts? Well then please comment below…



By Georgia,Nichelle and Uche

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Y6 Blog#4

Hello and welcome to the fourth Y6 Blog.

We have a new topic-The Ancient Greeks.

The classes have spent time independently researching the two city states of Athens and Sparta using a range of books, websites and videos.  Later in the term we will look at the Battle of Thermopylae and begin to investigate the importance of mythology to those in the ancient world.

This week’s challenge is simple: To create a MYTHICAL BEAST from your own CREATIVE IDEAS.  You may wish to research some of the Greek beasts first, or you can just let your IMAGINATION RUN WILD.

The two rules are:

1).  It must be NEAT and WELL PRESENTED with strong colours, neat lines and clear details.

2).  It must contain (around the edges or on a separate sheet) detailed descriptions of the beast’s attributes.

In other words, draw your monster then label it 🙂

I will be making a display with the best pictures on Wednesday 13th of November so start sketching now.

Prizes for everyone who enters a picture that follows the rules above.

Comments in the comments section please.

Mr. Howard.

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A while ago we asked for Y6 to write a poem.

Although it’s controversial, I must admit to not being a fan of poetry in general.  Some half remembered lines flit into my mind from time to time but I could never really emulate my Nan who could recite entire verses from memory well into her 70s.

However, as anyone who has worked with me will know, I do love music… In particular I love singing along to music in a voice that makes dogs howl and young children want to go to bed early.  And here’s the thing-one day a friend of mine gave me a book of poems which were written by a singer called David Berman.

A singer he said, not a poet.

Now I already knew I loved Berman’s music, but the poems were a revelation.  It felt like, finally, a voice that I could understand and identify with. In short bursts of amazing description, he made me feel like I was inside his head, looking at life through his eyes-the feeling I get all the time when reading fiction or listening to amazing songwriters like Bob, but elusive up till now in poetry.

Much of his work concerns the indoors, the everyday and the humdrum and I think it’s this that amazes me the most; the ability to be creative with a deliberately limited set of resources.  I am not going to give examples out of context here but you can look up the book “Actual Air” online.

So, last week I was riding my bike (always good for thinking) down to the chain ferry on a beautiful sun drenched October afternoon.  Many others had the same idea and so the car park was packed with people watching the sunset and letting the work day go…

I was thinking about the poetry homework, Bob Dylan and how seeing the world in a different but still recognisable way might be the key to success for art.  With this in mind, I decided not to write a poem but simply to collect and remember the scenes that struck me the most.

Here they are:

+ An ice white Porsche dripping soapy water on jet black driveway.

+ Two people asleep in the tipped back seats of their car, each turned towards the other.

+ A seagull pecking a packet of sandwich crumbs, stopping and tilting its head to read the        label.

+ A empty play park with no children left but one of the swings still swaying.

This week, why not have a go at making a list like the one above?  Quality is much more important than quantity-keep only the very strongest ideas.  Write them in the comments section below and I will make a compilation of all of our ideas ready for the next blog.

It will be like a poem, but not quite.

And I think that might be just what we need.

R Howard,

KS2 Leader, SMCPS.

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Y6 Blog#2.



Such a massively positive reaction to the first ever Y6 blog!  Thanks everyone-brilliant effort.

Special thank you to Mrs. Rushton who has allowed this Blog to burst out of my imagination and into the real life world of the world wide web.


And new this week-pictures! I know right?   (Click on the photo to increase its size).

Next up:  The visit of the Maxilo-Facial Prosthetics team from Poole Hospital.  We were lucky that Mrs. Cleary-Mursell organised this to fit in with our Science topic on the Human Body.

All writing done in tiny bits of time on a voluntary basis, I have not checked, changed edited or amended at all…over to the blog reporters:


Maxillofacial prosthetics surgery (mfps)

Today we were visited by MFPS they talked to us about what they do. They make spare ears, eyes, noses and special creams. They all make people fit in and to feel like other people basically normal.     

 This is a demonstration of someone who lost half of an ear. What the MFPS do is make other ears to make them feel fitted in. over the year’s scientists have tried to make artificial hearts but they fail each time it doesn’t go so well.

By Nichelle.


The maxillofacial prosthetics, who works in NHS, came to St. Marys catholic primary school to visit year 6 for science because we were learning about the human body. They all explained that they make artificial parts mostly of the head. They have to match the colour of the skin for the artificial ear, nose etc. Year six enjoyed their company and they made a fake nose of Mr.Howard. Furthermore they let us hold models .   

By Alan.


The MPS People

On Friday the 27th of September we had some special visitors come to our school (St Mary’s RC CA Priamry School) especially to come and visit year 6. As we were doing the human body in science they decided to come to teach us about the face and artificial things than can be stuck onto us by golden bars. The department they work for is known as the Maxillo Prosthetics Service down in the Poole hospital. Due to the fact they are specialists you might have to go to them if you have an accident and one of your eye , ear, mouth or nose you may have to go to Poole. Mr Howard , Head of this blog, offered to get a mould of his nose done in front of the whole year group. After shaping the mould they would then mix powder and liquid to make a mould . Then we saw his nose but in mould. Weird right!!.  Down below are some facts about artificial ears, mouth, nose and eyes.

  • In WW1 artificial eyes were made as loads of soldiers lost their eyes.
  • You need a golden bar to hold the prosthetic up for you
  • If you had one you would have to take it of to clean
  • In order to have one they would have to put you through an X-ray send it to the 3D printer to show what is wrong with you
  • You can get special teeth for speech and eating

Rather than that here is a little task for you to think about at home

  • How would you feel with an artificial  ear , mouth or nose
  • What would you ask people with it
  • What are they made of

Comment below and tell us what you think BUT DO NOT USE YOUR REAL NAME

Thank you

 By Uche 


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Y6 Blog #1

Hello and welcome to the first ever Y6 Blog.

The first thing to say is “Thank you”.  We have had a really positive response to this idea and I feel very excited about exploring the possibilities of what we can do with it.

Here’s what I hope the Blog will be:

Informal        Lively and fun       Updated regularly       Widely read 

 As time goes by, I hope to take a back seat in the process of writing these Blogs and will aim to pass them over to the children themselves.  If you have any good ideas, please let us know through the comments section which you will find at the end of this post.  Your comments won’t appear immediately; I will moderate and then publish them at a later date.

So, the subject for our first ever blog:  The St Mary’s Primary School Summer Fair. I asked for “Blog Reporters” to volunteer their services for the event and this is what they have discovered…

N.B. All work was done by volunteers giving up their time in a busy school day: I have not checked, corrected or edited their writing in any way, shape or form.

On the 20th of September, was the school summer Fair (During the Autumn HA!).Many people attended the school fair and everybody enjoyed it. There were many fun activities and brilliant stalls which intrigued people to come and win prizes. During my lovely time at the fair, I had an amazing opportunity to interview a person. I asked him the following questions:

Why are you enjoying the fair?

“Because I’m getting loads of sweets,”

How would you improve the fair?

“ I would improve it by having more stalls and maybe a toddler area”

By Dario.


St. Mary’s summer fair 2013

On Friday the 20th of September I was going around the summer fair and it was amazing, the golden sun beating down, the delicious creamy ice-cream and the range of exciting stalls. I was also asking the public of the summer fair if they were having a good time. I interviewed lots of lovely people including Dom, Vivian, Francesca, Tom and Julia who have all been kind enough to participate in a few quick questions. Many people had been before and said the quality of the summer fair had improved over the years and everyone said that the summer fairs environment was lovely and fun. We make sure that no one feels left out so the people running the tombola and games give everyone a lolly-pop even if they don’t win, we found out that the most popular thing was the bouncy castle so next year we plan to hopefully get more for older and younger children. We will try to get your voice heard and get more colourful signs as well as a toddler area, we hope you enjoyed the summer fair as much as we did and next year it will be the best it can possibly be.

By Kitty (6W)


The Fun Fair!!!

On Friday September the 20th 2013 the autumn fair started and we had some amazing stalls all around. People told me they could smell the sizzling of the hot dogs, they could hear laughter everywhere, the taste of ice cream melting in their mouth, them touching their prizes and were people having fun.

Mr Howard, Head of this blog, chose some blog reporters to go around asking questions to put oh here as our first event online. For people this has been their first time and they said it was wonderful. Thank you to all the parents and children for answering our questions. The most important question I think would be how we can make this fair better in the future? Some even wanted things from the past to be in our fair. Some were saddened by the fact the Astro turf was the problem to the fair because it made the fair look smaller.

Here is one phrase a student said would make this fair better.

“I use to go to this school and we had amazing fairs back when I was a little kid. My mum use to always give me £5.00 each year and I would spend it in less than 15 minutes and ask for more. The only thing I recommend is more space, more stalls and maybe more bouncy castles”

— A St Edward Student


I also asked some people how they were enjoying the fair and one of my best were:

“What I like about the fair is that everyone is having fun and laughing and the prizes were great. This is my first time and this is  the best”

— A grown up and a child


On behalf of I and the children, staff and teachers we would like to say a massive thank you to the PTA for making this fair a good one.

Comment below on how you think the fair went, But DO NOT USE YOUR REAL NAME

Thank you,


Blog reporter


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