KS2 Blog#25

Hello and welcome to the 25th KS2 Blog.

On Monday 7th July, Mrs. Meech and Mr. Ngadeu opened a new facility in the hall; voila une Cafe Francais.



Staffed by Year 6 and attended by other year groups, the event was a grande success for all those involved.




Grashma: “It was so fun. Here is some feedback on what happened that afternoon. First 6W served the french cafe and later that afternoon 6H did. When the year 3s arrived they were filled with so much adrenaline, it was clear by the look on their faces. As they sat down,they could not wait to start ordering. Most of them started to order ice cream (and when I say most of them I mean all of them). Man it was so hard watching them eat, because you just wanted to take a lick of that oozing ice cream. However it was still so fun and worth it as we got free croissant or marshmallows. I hope you enjoyed this blog. Toodles!



Kitty C-C: “I had such a great time at the French cafe and for all the people who could not make it, here is a recount so you can either experience or relive all the fun! After lunch, 6W were called into the hall to prepare the hall for the cafe. Once we had readied the hall, the Y4s were filling up the seats and within minutes the orders were coming in. Many of the customers were ordering creamy vanilla or chocolate ice-creams and silky hot chocolate with whipped cream and marshmallows. In the kitchen, all the cooks, waiters and waitresses were rushing around so much the atmosphere was almost non-existent. Once all the orders had been taken care of, we had to stomach the idea of another class coming in in just a few minutes. After we had cleaned up, 3C was coming in and ordering (once again) vanilla or chocolate ice-creams with hot chocolate whipped cream and you guessed it MARSHMALLOWS! Finally, we had got the orders under control and were ready to be taken over by the new 6H waiters. Even though there was so much to remember, we had such a great time and I hope the year 3s and 4s did too! I hope you enjoyed this blog as much as I did.


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2 Responses to KS2 Blog#25

  1. skariah says:

    I miss year six I had a great time

  2. Charlotte Wrann says:

    I loved the French Cafe. It was AMAZALISHOUS! Because the served us delicious hot chocolate with marshmallows and ice cream! (Well that’s what I had!) 😛 I hope you hade a good time like I did.
