KS2 Blog #24-Hooke Court Report.



Hello and welcome to the 24th KS2 Blog; This one is rather special…(click on photo for higher resolution).


Last week our intrepid Y6 children and staff arrived deep in West Dorset at the start of a  3 day visit to Hooke Court.

CIMG8962CIMG8964 The sun stayed with us for the whole trip and this made the tented accommodation more or less as luxurious as it could be.  Having unpacked their millions of bags, the female staff children relaxed and enjoyed the weather until the games began. Er…excuse me Mr Howard….we have photo evidence of the male staff taking extended breaks in the sun while the female staff soldiered on!!  Mrs Wrann

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In brief: Trust games, leadership skills, BBQ, making tripods and zip-lines to transport first aid kits, orienteering, tribal kingdoms, face painting, shelter building, low ropes courses, camp fire singing, tent inspections, hot chocolate, football, SILENT FRISBEE, sweet scoffing, adventure playgrounds, rabbit chasing, code making, shower avoiding (and hogging) plus the infamous 4:30 am wake up/party on the second day…just some of the highlights we will all remember…



Please add comments below-they won’t appear immediately…

CIMG9023CIMG9016 Massive thanks to all the staff involved both at Hooke and back at school…#awesome.CIMG8986CIMG9067CIMG9009CIMG9000 CIMG9055CIMG9057

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17 Responses to KS2 Blog #24-Hooke Court Report.

  1. FATALMA!!!!😇😇😇👢🐩⛪♌ says:

    Aggggghhhhhh i love hook court and mrs wrann and the rest DID DO MORE WORK while then mr HOWARD and mr MCCALISTER relaxed photo evidence.

  2. nichellejabangwe says:

    Its was awesome i feel sorry for my tent friends with amy’s night gas ewwww and poppy waking as up at 6:30 IN THE MORNING weirdly nichelle was asleep

  3. Sound like it was awesome

  4. Macaroni says:

    1st Class Toilets!!! 😀

  5. Cant wait till next year ❤

  6. Anonymous says:

    looked like loads of fun wish i was there:( but had fun 8)

  7. BIBBLE says:

    hey wheres everyone else u no toxic pancakes chocomilk

  8. BIBBLE says:


  9. singer girl power says:

    it was grate fun wish i could go again:\ and i hope evryone next year have as much fun as me:\

  10. Mysterious Epicness says:

    It was hilarious when the sleeping bag was thrown onto the roof of the horse box 😀

  11. Mrs Hazell says:

    Looks like you had a ball! Lucky children!

  12. mrmccalister says:

    What a great few days for the pupils. One of my highlights was definitely the silent frisbee…oh – along with the 4.30am alarm from JJ!!

  13. Charlotte Wrann says:

    Sounds great fun my mum , mrs wrann told me all about it. FABTASTIC!!8):):P
