KS2 Blog#23

Hello and welcome to the 23rd KS2 Blog.

All work done by volunteers in their own time, not edited by me.

Over to Year 3…

This week we have done some art and learnt about collage. The first thing we did was go outside to sketch a tree. Then we drew the tree on to black card and cut it out. The next thing we did was fetch some coloured card and stuck different coloured tissue paper on to the card to make a background. Next we stuck the tree down and made sure that it was touching every side.


The next day we did a silhouette and made a mood board out of it. We cut out things that we liked from magazines and catalogues and stuck them on to our mood boards.


The next day we got a big piece of coloured card and did skylines and drew buildings. Then we stuck some newspaper on top of the drawings.

art 3


We enjoyed it very much.

By Connor and Layla  3H  

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3 Responses to KS2 Blog#23

  1. Doogel says:

    that was really fun we had a hole week of that does anyone think the same? please post a comment if so

  2. SThompson says:

    This all looks very creative. Well done!
