KS2 Blog#18

Hello and welcome to the eighteenth KS2 Blog.


During the half term holiday, I visited the Oakdale Library which is situated right on the traffic lights by the Oakdale shops.

In my hands were about 60 beautifully illustrated Greek Myths which our Y6 children had created, composed and designed back in the Autumn Term.

Last week I received a wonderful email from the Library staff informing us that the display of our work is up and has been drawing lots of attention from the general public=great news.

The problem is that it will only be available to view until the end of this week…

So, PLEASE can you all make an effort to get to the library and take a look? We are very proud of your work and you should be too.

I am hoping that this will be the start of some really creative partnerships with the library; who knows where it might lead?

Comments in the comment section below would be really welcome.

Mr. Howard, Head of Key Stage 2.

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6 Responses to KS2 Blog#18

  1. Fashion queen says:

    Just to let u know Mr Howard . Mrs Copley’s hot chocolate was better than yours just saying . Sorry !

  2. i am gonna go i am looking forward to it 🙂

  3. chattygirl says:

    i am going there to see my work!!!

  4. crazy cool kid says:

    I think we are working too hard

  5. Deadly dog says:

    We’re obviously going to go. It’s too hard to resist
