KS2 Blog #12

Hello and welcome to the 12th KS2 Blog.

This week saw a visit from the outreach workers at Monkey World.


They visited Y4 who then volunteered to give up their own time to write the Blog below.

(This work is not edited/checked/amended by me-it is all completed in snatched times of a busy day). Thanks to the Y4 children who volunteered to help with this.


Yesterday a visitor came from monkey world and that visitors name was Rebeca she taught us about the monkeys and there habit and where they came from. Their   habit is the rainforest and they need to be saved that is why they have monkey world to save them and   there   home. I can tell you why they need to be rescued it is because a lot of people are chopping down trees and they live in those trees the people that are chopping down trees are digging in the grounds looking for diamonds, gems, gold ,silver, tin and copper which are really rear.

Thank you for listening to this.

By Nyah.


We had an amazing time listening to the person from Monkey world. She said that it first started up by a man called Jim. The first monkey they found was called Amy she was a Chimpanzee. She is still at the park she is 30. She came in at the age of 3. Now they have about 250 monkeys and around 18 different types. They have made climbing frames like tree made of old telephone poles. Because they make nests in trees when there in the wild they made baskets made of old fireman hoses. Monkeys normally live on the equator they do not like the cold.

By Aiden


Yesturday, We had a talk about on “MONKEY WORLD”.

It was a visitor J…… Her name was Rebeca. She talked about the monkeys and where monkeys live.

She was tall and she knew all the kinds of monkeys!.

Then, she talked about the owner of “Monkey World” the owner was called Jim.

She talked about…. Well, a lot of things acculey

Thanks for your time!

By Joe

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2 Responses to KS2 Blog #12

  1. It was the best lesson ever

  2. chimpanzee monkey face says:

    those monkeys are so cute they are the cutest ever
