KS2 Blog #7

Hello and welcome to the 7th Blog (and the first for the whole Key Stage).

From now on, our whole Key Stage (Y3, Y4, Y5, Y6) will all be showing us their creativity on this Blog.  I am hoping that the more experienced Y6 Bloggers will mentor the younger children so that we can all see what has been happening here at St. Mary’s.  As always, I have not edited, corrected or amended any of the children’s work.  This is mostly completed voluntarily in their break times during a busy school day and shows what a great group of characters they are…

So, welcome to the first ever Y3 Blog, brought to you by Captain Charlotte and Aye Aye Emily…


On Monday 25th November Year 3 travelled on our funky school mini bus to Poole museum to learn about Harry Paye. We had to dress up as Pirates. When we all got there we very excited. The lady who taught us about Harry was called Katherine. She was wearing stripy socks, a blue stripy top and some very strange sort of shoes.

The activities that we did were making maps, pulling up the anchor, climbing the rigging, pulling up the sail and looking at the objects from Harry’s Dad.


By Charlotte and Emma 

A few weeks ago, Paul Andrewartha (Our Catholic Youth Outreach Worker) came to visit us – his assembly was very popular due to the fact that he managed to do the “Haka” completely on his own-definitely memorable.  After the assembly, Blog reporters Molly and Kiara caught up with Paul for a few quick questions in order to get to know him better.

Over to the girls for the interview:


What is your job like?

Good and buzzy and meet new people and organization and helps teenagers

How do you feel about your job?

Good, helpful, grow strength, faith, hope and love

what was your job  before?

Chichester  Youth worker

North east part of a school mission team

how old was you when you had your first ever job?


Wanted to be a milk man at the age of 13

what was your  school called?

St Francis Xavier

Bishop Virard

what was your favourite hobby?

Stamp collecting age 10

Marbles age 7 or 8

why were these your favourite hobbies?



Thanks Paul!!!  By Molly and Kiara.

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9 Responses to KS2 Blog #7

  1. Miss Awesome Cuitness says:

    cool seems very cool since I haven’t been at school for like two days because I was very ill. Well I hope it was a fun day especially the day about the exabishion.

  2. Mysterious Epicness says:

    I remember this, everything was so fun. Reply if you think so too.

  3. Miss Hardwick says:

    Ahoy from Captain Hardwick! Great write up Captain Charlotte and Aye Aye Emma – well done 🙂 I know I had a great time helping you all scrub the decks and hoist the sail and I thought you all looked brilliant in your bright pirate outfits (although I wasn’t so sure about the beards!).

  4. chattygirl says:

    i can chattyboy in there

  5. raviting rach says:

    well done Charlotte and Emma and Molly and kiara this is so cool

  6. raviting rach says:

    This is ssssssssssssooooooooooooooooo cool mr howard like your idea

  7. Jane Meech says:

    From 3C
    It was cool and fun and we all got to sing a song.
    When we climbed the rigging, it was like we were on a real ship.
    When we pulled up the anchor,I thought it would be heavier but it wasn’t as heavy as I thought.
    When we were pulling up the anchor, we turnrd the capstan and a teacher stood on the wooden anchor.
    When Katherine had finished the story, she said we could look in the treasure chest. It had lots of amaxing things like the cunning shell, a cannon ball and the skin of a snake.
    When we held the cannon ball, it was really heavy.
    On pirate day I loved making the map and sticking the treaure on.
    On pirate day we made maps and the lady told us a story.
    I loved pirate day. I really liked it when I was Harry Paye. My favourite part was the treasure chest.
    On pirate day we made maps, climbed the rigging, pulled the anchor, put the sailup and looked in a treasure chest
    I loved pirate day but my favourite part was when we pretended to kill the spanish
    The cannon ball was heavier than I thiught because it was quite small.
