Y6 Blog#5

All work done very quickly with no help-I have not corrected or edited the children’s work.



Y6 Blog-live from the science lab!!!


On The 12th of November at approximately 1:45 Mr Myers came to teach us!


Mr Myers showed us a sheep’s heart and lungs. He grossed us out by putting his fingers in the lung and heart pipes. We were amused by him dissecting the heart and showing us a heart string. Ever heard the phrase” Your pulling my heart strings!!   Were you aware that the heart gets darker when you are pulling it apart just like Mr Myers did!!  The normal lungs are brown and dark pink. Dr Myers got an old fashion pump and stuck it up the sheep lungs. It turned 3 times the original size. Interestingly if you cut off one side of the lung you would die but if you still could breathe it would still blow up but you would have to put your finger in the hole. After everyone left the blog reporters asked some questions to Mr Myers such as:


How long have you been teaching?

18 years

When did you start?


Do you enjoy doing your job?


What is the biggest thing you have dissected?

Heart and lungs

What is the grossest thing you have dissected?

Pig ears it stank

Which school do you work for?

Poole high school

Thank you to Mr Myers, we have some knowledge about the heart and lungs. Also we would like to say a big thank you to the year 6 Team for organising this visit. Do you have any more gross facts? Well then please comment below…



By Georgia,Nichelle and Uche

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19 Responses to Y6 Blog#5

  1. elephant but says:

    horrible seeing it but it was really good help for lessons. It was so COOL!!!!!!!!

  2. elephant but says:

    this was the best day ever even though it was disgusting i really enjoyed it

  3. fat Santa says:

    I felt like I was going to me sick

  4. Oh my goodness me! I don’t think I could handle that, quite literally! It’s great to see all the exciting things that you are your new class are getting up to Mr Howard – I love reading your blog.
    Can’t wait to see what next week holds!
    Mrs Ray
    Dorchester Middle School

  5. Could they work in our body’s?

  6. i loved this visit
    it was AWESOME 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

  7. Anonymous says:

    Best afternoon ever’!’!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Misschickflick says:

    Cool what a great lesson

  9. MysteriousGuy says:

    I Wonder What They Taste Like 😕 🙂

  10. Chocolate milk says:

    It was sikly

  11. Anonymous says:

    watching this was awesome and a bit goose!!!!!

  12. cool kid says:

    EEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yuk this was a totally cool treat!!!

  13. dangerous dude says:

    cool as right

  14. Bibble says:

    That topic was so cool I nearly threw up gross!

  15. Anonymous says:

    loved Elena’s dads performance a bit gross but coooool (: (;

  16. butterflies says:


  17. spongebob says:

    Grossed out!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)
