Y6 Blog#2.



Such a massively positive reaction to the first ever Y6 blog!  Thanks everyone-brilliant effort.

Special thank you to Mrs. Rushton who has allowed this Blog to burst out of my imagination and into the real life world of the world wide web.


And new this week-pictures! I know right?   (Click on the photo to increase its size).

Next up:  The visit of the Maxilo-Facial Prosthetics team from Poole Hospital.  We were lucky that Mrs. Cleary-Mursell organised this to fit in with our Science topic on the Human Body.

All writing done in tiny bits of time on a voluntary basis, I have not checked, changed edited or amended at all…over to the blog reporters:


Maxillofacial prosthetics surgery (mfps)

Today we were visited by MFPS they talked to us about what they do. They make spare ears, eyes, noses and special creams. They all make people fit in and to feel like other people basically normal.     

 This is a demonstration of someone who lost half of an ear. What the MFPS do is make other ears to make them feel fitted in. over the year’s scientists have tried to make artificial hearts but they fail each time it doesn’t go so well.

By Nichelle.


The maxillofacial prosthetics, who works in NHS, came to St. Marys catholic primary school to visit year 6 for science because we were learning about the human body. They all explained that they make artificial parts mostly of the head. They have to match the colour of the skin for the artificial ear, nose etc. Year six enjoyed their company and they made a fake nose of Mr.Howard. Furthermore they let us hold models .   

By Alan.


The MPS People

On Friday the 27th of September we had some special visitors come to our school (St Mary’s RC CA Priamry School) especially to come and visit year 6. As we were doing the human body in science they decided to come to teach us about the face and artificial things than can be stuck onto us by golden bars. The department they work for is known as the Maxillo Prosthetics Service down in the Poole hospital. Due to the fact they are specialists you might have to go to them if you have an accident and one of your eye , ear, mouth or nose you may have to go to Poole. Mr Howard , Head of this blog, offered to get a mould of his nose done in front of the whole year group. After shaping the mould they would then mix powder and liquid to make a mould . Then we saw his nose but in mould. Weird right!!.  Down below are some facts about artificial ears, mouth, nose and eyes.

  • In WW1 artificial eyes were made as loads of soldiers lost their eyes.
  • You need a golden bar to hold the prosthetic up for you
  • If you had one you would have to take it of to clean
  • In order to have one they would have to put you through an X-ray send it to the 3D printer to show what is wrong with you
  • You can get special teeth for speech and eating

Rather than that here is a little task for you to think about at home

  • How would you feel with an artificial  ear , mouth or nose
  • What would you ask people with it
  • What are they made of

Comment below and tell us what you think BUT DO NOT USE YOUR REAL NAME

Thank you

 By Uche 


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25 Responses to Y6 Blog#2.

  1. chimpanzee says:


  2. pitch perfect says:

    new nose Mr.howard like it :->

  3. chimpanzee says:

    im not from this school but im am friends of students here. the lesson u did sounded awesome and gross

  4. chimpanzee says:

    love your new nose Mr Howard.

  5. piggy says:

    hi guys i luv all the activeties that we have do at school yet hope we more thanks mr howard for every thing and every one bye x

  6. singer power says:

    Ok then

  7. dangerous dude says:

    dude that’s dangerous.

  8. chocomilk says:

    does anyone know where to get a purple giraffe a blue lion and a yellow elephant I need them and can someone invent chocolate popcorn pleeeeeeeeease ohhh byeeeeeeeeeeeee again

  9. NeoN ExplozioN says:

    Mr Howard Should make an account on this blog!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀

  10. NeoN ExplozioN says:

    OH YEAH, why is everyone saying LOL (Laugh out Loud)

  11. NeoN ExplozioN says:


  12. King Dad says:

    I am a parent and I think it is great! My daughter loves it and so do I. I think it is a great thing that you have done Mr.Howard and I am looking forward to more.

  13. BIBBLE says:

    I’m the only one on the blog today come on guys get on the blog it’s so cool

  14. BIBBLE says:

    This second blog is so cool Mr Howard looks so weird with that goo on his nose LOL!

  15. This blog is awesome! A lot better than last time! Did you see Mr. Howard! LOL!

  16. Mr.awesomeness says:

    Only 4 people have commented lol

  17. spongebob says:

    Mr Howard I especially like the pic of you having green goo on your nose

  18. Yay second blog. It’s incredible

  19. Misscookiechic says:

    This is lovely 🙂

  20. Mr.awesomeness says:

    This is awesome lol
