Y6 Blog #1

Hello and welcome to the first ever Y6 Blog.

The first thing to say is “Thank you”.  We have had a really positive response to this idea and I feel very excited about exploring the possibilities of what we can do with it.

Here’s what I hope the Blog will be:

Informal        Lively and fun       Updated regularly       Widely read 

 As time goes by, I hope to take a back seat in the process of writing these Blogs and will aim to pass them over to the children themselves.  If you have any good ideas, please let us know through the comments section which you will find at the end of this post.  Your comments won’t appear immediately; I will moderate and then publish them at a later date.

So, the subject for our first ever blog:  The St Mary’s Primary School Summer Fair. I asked for “Blog Reporters” to volunteer their services for the event and this is what they have discovered…

N.B. All work was done by volunteers giving up their time in a busy school day: I have not checked, corrected or edited their writing in any way, shape or form.

On the 20th of September, was the school summer Fair (During the Autumn HA!).Many people attended the school fair and everybody enjoyed it. There were many fun activities and brilliant stalls which intrigued people to come and win prizes. During my lovely time at the fair, I had an amazing opportunity to interview a person. I asked him the following questions:

Why are you enjoying the fair?

“Because I’m getting loads of sweets,”

How would you improve the fair?

“ I would improve it by having more stalls and maybe a toddler area”

By Dario.


St. Mary’s summer fair 2013

On Friday the 20th of September I was going around the summer fair and it was amazing, the golden sun beating down, the delicious creamy ice-cream and the range of exciting stalls. I was also asking the public of the summer fair if they were having a good time. I interviewed lots of lovely people including Dom, Vivian, Francesca, Tom and Julia who have all been kind enough to participate in a few quick questions. Many people had been before and said the quality of the summer fair had improved over the years and everyone said that the summer fairs environment was lovely and fun. We make sure that no one feels left out so the people running the tombola and games give everyone a lolly-pop even if they don’t win, we found out that the most popular thing was the bouncy castle so next year we plan to hopefully get more for older and younger children. We will try to get your voice heard and get more colourful signs as well as a toddler area, we hope you enjoyed the summer fair as much as we did and next year it will be the best it can possibly be.

By Kitty (6W)


The Fun Fair!!!

On Friday September the 20th 2013 the autumn fair started and we had some amazing stalls all around. People told me they could smell the sizzling of the hot dogs, they could hear laughter everywhere, the taste of ice cream melting in their mouth, them touching their prizes and were people having fun.

Mr Howard, Head of this blog, chose some blog reporters to go around asking questions to put oh here as our first event online. For people this has been their first time and they said it was wonderful. Thank you to all the parents and children for answering our questions. The most important question I think would be how we can make this fair better in the future? Some even wanted things from the past to be in our fair. Some were saddened by the fact the Astro turf was the problem to the fair because it made the fair look smaller.

Here is one phrase a student said would make this fair better.

“I use to go to this school and we had amazing fairs back when I was a little kid. My mum use to always give me £5.00 each year and I would spend it in less than 15 minutes and ask for more. The only thing I recommend is more space, more stalls and maybe more bouncy castles”

— A St Edward Student


I also asked some people how they were enjoying the fair and one of my best were:

“What I like about the fair is that everyone is having fun and laughing and the prizes were great. This is my first time and this is  the best”

— A grown up and a child


On behalf of I and the children, staff and teachers we would like to say a massive thank you to the PTA for making this fair a good one.

Comment below on how you think the fair went, But DO NOT USE YOUR REAL NAME

Thank you,


Blog reporter


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280 Responses to Y6 Blog #1

  1. nukeoyeah says:

    goodbye st marys you guided me on my journey as now i start a new one remember me as karl oleary thankyou my teachers for helping when i was in trouble and i had no one to talk to thankyou

  2. Rubberduckie says:

    St Mary’s was the second school i went to. through the past years the teachers and staff have guided me on my journey. we thank you all for helping us and we will always remember you in our hearts. (What came first the chicken or the egg?) well, i will be forever leaving this school on the 23rd of july, 2014. I hope you will remeber me. Not As Rubberduckie, or book boy, or dinosaur hat boy, but as my real name, (sorry for disobeying what you said Uche!, you know, that were not allowed to put our real names?) well, i would like you to remember me as……….. DARIO REED

  3. Anonymous says:

    St Mary’s was the second school i went to. It has been a great time through the past years and i would like to say a HUGE thanks to all the staff who have guided us on our journey through primary school. On Wednesday the 23rd i will be leaving this school forever. i am excited, but also a little sad to leave this school and take my next new adventure in life. Secondary School. DA Da DAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( What came first the chicken or the egg?) so once again, i thank all the staff that have helped me through this journey, and i hope that you will always remember Yr 6 in your hearts. my name on this is Rubberduckie. but some of you will know me as the dinosaur hat boy or the book boy. but you should all know me as……… Dario

  4. Rubberduckie says:

    YO YO YO YO YO just surfing up in Miami for the weekend 🙂 the weathers lovely, wonderful sunshine, blue lushious sea, ice lollies everywhere… YAWN!!!! Oops, sorry, just a dream

  5. Rubberduckie says:

    this first ever blog seems decades ago, i mean like, when we first started yr 6, seems like the stone age. just to say, it wasnt the stone age, so we didnt actualy wear clothes made of animal skin or live in caves or call ourselves caven LOL
